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Upa Yoga

Upa Yoga

The word ‘Upa’ means sub or semi, so Upa Yoga is sub-yoga or semi-yoga. The Hatha Upa Yoga is designed for people who are not committed practitioner but at the same time do not want to get lost in the mundane of routine. It is a system of yoga which is not very strongly oriented towards the spiritual but is more towards the physical, psychological and energy dimensions of a human being. One of its core aspect is to activate the lubricants and energy nodes in the joints so that the rest of the system begins to function.


Brings great ease to the whole system
Activates the energy and also lubricates the joints, creating an instant sense of alertness and liveliness.
Relieves physical stress and tiredness
Strengthens the joints and muscles
Negates the effects of Jet lag and long travel



Yogasanas is a process of profound science which enhances how one thinks, feels, and experiences life. It transforms one’s body and mind into a possibility for ultimate well-being. Generally, the human body, in an untrained state, is a constant manifestation of various levels of compulsiveness. By consciously forming the body into a certain posture, one creates a conducive passage for energy flow that can elevate one’s consciousness. Yogasanas are a way of aligning the inner system and adjusting it to the celestial geometry, thereby becoming in sync with the existence and naturally achieving a chemistry of healthfulness, joyfulness, blissfulness, and above all, balance.

Transforms the body and mind into a possibility for ultimate well-being
Relieves chronic health conditions
Stabilizes the body, mind and energy system
Helps in deceleration of the aging process
Creates a conducive passage for energy flow that can elevate one’s consciousness



When you strive for complete mastery over your limbs, organs, and other parts of the body through Angamardana, it complements its name and revitalizes the body on all levels including the muscles, circulatory system, skeletal structure, nervous system, and the basic energy system. You are just using your body, no fitness equipment, and building a completely different level of physical strength and tenacity. In the twenty-five minute process you use your own body weight and momentum to increase the flexibility of the muscle over a period of time.

Strengths the spine, skeletal and muscular systems.
Builds physical strength and fitness, and tenacity
Revitalizes the body including the muscles, blood circulation, skeletal and nervous systems
Helps in weight-loss
Brings a sense of lightness and freedom in the body

Surya Kriya

Surya Kriya

Surya Kriya is a complete spiritual process, where Surya means sun and kriya means inner energy process. This practice activates the solar plexus to raise the samat prana or solar heat in the system. Also, it balances the left and right energy channels of a person, leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind. This strong foundation becomes the basis to explore higher dimensions of life. Undoubtedly, it’s a comprehensive spiritual practice that is ideal for the hectic pace of today’s world.

Prepares one for deeper state of meditation
Activates the system to raise the samat prana or solar energy in the system
Develops mental clarity and focus
Remedies weak constitutions
Balances hormonal levels in the body

Bhuta Shuddhi

Bhuta Shuddhi

Bhuta Shuddhi is the process that establishes a state of harmony and balance in one, enhances the capability of the physical body, mind and energy, and creates the basis to gain complete mastery over the human system. Also, it shapes the body into a stepping stone towards one’s ultimate well-being. The Bhuta Shuddhi processes offered by Asana Siddhi creates a unique opportunity for everyone to benefit from this esoteric yogic science, which otherwise requires intense sadhana (spiritual practices).

Creates the basis to gain complete mastery over the body, mind and many aspects of creation
Keeps the system in harmony and balance
Prepares the system to handle powerful states of energy
Shapes the body into a stepping stone towards one’s ultimate well being

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